Yayasan Hasanah
Yayasan Hasanah (“Hasanah”) is the impact-based foundation of Khazanah Nasional Berhad (“Khazanah”), the sovereign wealth fund of Malaysia. As a grant-giving organisation, Hasanah goes beyond ringgit and sen to facilitate an ecosystem of transformation, working in collaboration with multiple stakeholders, infusing a spirit of advocacy and building capacity in five key focus areas: Education; Community Development; Environment; Arts and Public Spaces; and Knowledge. In the Arts & Public Spaces, Yayasan Hasanah aims to preserve and celebrate Malaysia’s preserved and conserved arts, heritage, and culture and connect our heritage to future generations. Collectively and collaboratively, Hasanah hopes to shift the needle of social and community reform for Malaysians, towards a better Malaysia.
Yayasan Hasanah is a co-contributor of Galeri Khazanah.