Masnoor Ramli Mahmud

(b. Kedah, 1968)

A fine art graduate of Universiti Teknologi MARA, Masnoor Ramli Mahmud was one of the Matahati collective members alongside Ahmad Fuad Osman, Ahmad Shukri Mohamed, Bayu Utomo Radjikin, and Hamir Soid @ Mohamed as well as early members Soraya Yusof Talismail and Kamal Ariffin Kamisan. Masnoor’s subject of interest varies from socio-political, daily observations to travel and culture. A multidisciplinary artist, Masnoor’s artistic practice is expressed in various forms like paintings, multimedia installations, photography, and sculpture. In 2007, Galeri Petronas hosted his solo exhibition “Bumi Manusia — Journey Through Nusantara”, where he conveyed his experiences travelling through the Malay Archipelago with the Petronas Adventure Team. The 55-day trip took him through Borneo and Indonesia, including the pristine island of Flores.

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