Discover how different generations, while inheriting the threads of the past, are weaving new patterns and evolving their daily narratives. The collective story is formed by various circumstances and surroundings, creating a dramatic symphony of life. This “The Living Story” is a dynamic visual narrative that is shaped by the experiences and perspectives of each generation, adding new layers to our shared history.
Note: Any three-dimensional artwork renderings and photos herein are for illustration and reference purposes only and may be subject to further change or revision without notice. For the purpose of the virtual experience, careful measures have been taken to recreate selected artworks digitally. However, due to the limitations of technology and media of projection, the process may have reduced the likeness of the actual artwork.
Discover how different generations, while inheriting the threads of the past, are weaving new patterns and evolving their daily narratives. The collective story is formed by various circumstances and surroundings, creating a dramatic symphony of life. This “The Living Story” is a dynamic visual narrative that is shaped by the experiences and perspectives of each generation, adding new layers to our shared history.