b. Perak, 1948
Hari Ho is a photographer currently based in Newcastle, Australia. He left Malaysia as a young man to travel and work throughout the US, Europe and Asia. He studied in the US before working as an advertising copywriter and associate creative director at an advertising agency in Malaysia and teaching at the University of Malaya. After founding and operating a design company providing photography, writing, design and print production services in Kuala Lumpur, Ho settled in Australia in the late 1980s, becoming head of production and design at the Sydney firm Fine Art Publishing. He has received many awards for his work on art books for Craftsman House and the Art and Australia magazines, Art Asia Pacific, World Art and 21-C. His works have been featured at the National Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur and the Chobi Mela Festival of Photography in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Ho designed and produced the National Portrait Gallery publication “Proof” (2003), and the Gallery acquired his photograph of Makinti Napanangka in 2004.